
iPhoneTM Benchmarks

Performance Comparison of iOS Devices

PerformanceTest Mobile for iOS V2 CPUMark as of February 11, 2021 [OLD]

This chart compares the CPUMark Rating made using PerformanceTest Mobile for iOS V2 benchmark results. Due to the changes made to to the CPU Tests to standardize the testing across all PerformanceTest platforms (i.e. Windows/Linux/Android), the CPUMark of V2 is not directly comparable to V10. See the FAQ, Why did versions jump from V2 to V10 for the iOS release and how does this effect the results?

This chart shows the CPUMark for various iPhone and other iOS devices. The higher the rating the better the performance. This list is for reference only and users are encouraged to visit the new chart which are generated with a newer release of PeformanceTest Mobile.

Tooltip Description Place Holder
PerformanceTest Mobile for iOS V2 CPU Mark Rating
Updated 11th of February 2021
iOS Device
iOS CPU Mark